“I’ve always admired the hard work, effort and dedication of the Heavy Metal Truants. Ever since our manager Rod, and great Maiden friend Alex Milas came up with the idea back in 2012 and started pedaling their way to the million pound goal , I’d thought Wow - raising money for a fantastic cause, joining a bunch of like-minded people from all walks of life AND getting in some great exercise, that’s something I’d be proud to be a part of.
So now, in 2021 with our European Legacy tour once again derailed by COVID, I can finally say: Yes please - count me in. Although it’s a virtual challenge again this year, the work is no less difficult and you all know how competitive I am……I am absolutely determined to see the Truants hit that target.
So please help me do it, by digging in your pocket, rummaging down the back of the sofa for loose change, pulling out your cheque book or just keeping it simple and clicking the button now to donate the 21st century way.
What Does This Button Do? It will help a disadvantaged child that’s what it will do.”
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Total Raised
£34,668.50 incl. GiftAid
Including £18,562.75 raised offline
Total Target: £30,000.00
Event Total Raised
£151,482.44 incl. GiftAid
Including £30,548.56 raised offline
Total Target: £150,000.00
"Well done on the cycling and wonderful fundraising Bruce, from your friend at British Bike Hire"
19th Jul 2021
25th Jun 2021
Ryan McElrath
25th Jun 2021
David Davies
22nd Jun 2021
Phil Rodriguez
9th Jun 2021
"Pedal to the Metal!"
Peter Allan
7th Jun 2021
"Go Go Go !!"
Robin Bond
7th Jun 2021
"Robin Bond, friend of Rod’s school friend,Alan “Dodo” Donaldson"
4th Jun 2021
"Good luck! :)"
Alan, “Dodo” Donaldson
2nd Jun 2021
"Best wishes from Rod’s school friend Dodo"
Chad Kaufman
2nd Jun 2021
"Go get em Bruce!!! Renaissance Man"
Georgi Marinov
1st Jun 2021
"People like you can change the world!
Keep rolling Bruce!"
1st Jun 2021
30th May 2021
"In memory of Mike, Ride on ✌️"
Andrew Devine
29th May 2021
29th May 2021
"Hello Bruce, Bruce, let me introduce me selfie!
My name is Perry and you're immensely wrong.
When I were a dad, you could lift up 6
Numbers on an end of a setlist.
You can't do the truants with that!
Why not? The 777 may fly south with the sun. Or the House Smith or the Smallwood may seek warmer climates in winter. Yet these are not strangers in a stranger land.
Are you suggesting managers migrate?
what-ho, Squiffy ✈"
This page is for general donations where kind souls can make a donation to the Heavy Metal Truants but if anyone wishes to contribute to the efforts of a particular rider to encourage them then please click on "VIEW FUNDRAISING LEADERBOARD". Of course all donations end up in the same place - helping kids who need it via our charities.
We have also been asked by his family to accept donations here in memory of our great friend MIKE WEATHERLEY - a massive Maiden and Metal fan amongst many other tremendous accomplishments in a very well lived life. Mike sadly passed away last week and will be hugely missed. We are very proud and pleased to do this of course so if you are donating in this way kindly just put simply TO MIKE with your message.
Rod Smallwood
Not sure who to donate to?
You can still donate to The Truants Foundation (HMT) and help with this event's fundraising efforts by supporting a great cause.
Donate Now!