About The Bailiff's Appeal for Ukraine
The Bailiff's Appeal has chosen to raise funds for Jersey Side By Side and is taking part in Bailiff's Ukraine Appeal
Your support will help deliver an emergency response to the crisis.
A donation will help people fleeing their homes have access to water, food, shelter and first aid as well as supporting vital infrastructure and emergency services, hospitals, and healthcare facilities.
Help aid reach more people
£20 could provide a plastic tarpaulin to a family in Ukraine
£50* could provide blankets for four families taking shelter
£100* could provide 120 chlorine tablets to ensure that families have access to clean, safe water
£500* can provide five emergency medical trauma kits
*Add 25% to your donation at no cost to you
If you would like to setup your own fundraising event in aid of Side by Side, please email charity@race-nation.com